Fire Rated Attic Ladder
Do you have a need for a one hour fire rated attic ladder? If so, you will be limited on your attic ladder purchase. You can choose from multiple brands like Fakro and American Stairways (formerly Bessler Stairways).
Why purchase a fire rated attic ladder?
Sometimes, local building codes require that your attic ladder be fire rated. Always check with your local building code and ordinances. A good rule of thumb is that if your ceiling meets a fire requirement then your attic ladder should match. Bessler stairways makes a 20 minute fire rated attic ladder and a one hour rated drop down ladder.
Who makes attic ladders with fire resistance?
The BE-119 attic stair meets a one hour requirement. Bessler also manufactures the Model 655 attic ladder which can be finished with a fire resistance of up to 20 minutes. This attic ladder has an optional add that meets resistant requirements of 20 minutes.
Two other manufacturers of fire resistant attic ladders are Fakro and Rainbow. Rainbow manufactures the Protech (30 minute fire rating) and the Protech 12 (75 minute fire rating) attic ladders.
Where can I purchase my one hour rated attic ladder?
Industrial Ladder has been dealing different brand attic ladders for years. We will be glad to assist you in this purchase. If you wish to order your fire rated attic ladder online, please 'click here' to browse a collection of all of our favorite fire rated ladders. Be sure you pick the correct size and type when choosing your folding attic stair. If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out to us at (510) 653-0969 or by visiting our CONTACT US page to send us an email.